Let's Get Out There

As I write this, it is the last day of 2021. A kind of threshold of sorts, this day marks the end of what has been and the beginning of what could be. I’m imagining all of the people I know and love gathered around, and we are taking stock of things. What still serves us, and what no longer does, or perhaps never has? What is worth carrying with us into the new year, and what is ready to be left behind? Where do we sense that life is calling us, and how will we get there? What is ours to do, and what is not?

Questions like these, especially on the cusp of a new year, and after the one we’ve just had, can feel too heavy, too ominous, too overwhelming, too risky. Just plain too much.

But what if they aren’t?

What if they are questions we can choose to hold lightly, and take with us wherever we go? Questions we can dance with, play with, and monkey around with? What if they are, in fact, the questions to be lived into, one day at a time, until we run out of our days? And one day we will. Run out of our days that is. But until then, it’s all up for grabs. Our life that is.

So come on.

Let’s get out there.

Tuck those questions in our backpacks and see where they take us.

The only thing waiting for us is our life.