Planting The Fields Of The New Year

With two days left in the year it is tempting to start drafting a mental list of resolutions for the year ahead. What we will change, do, not do, etc, etc. etc. While that isn’t necessarily a bad approach, it might not be the best approach either. Or maybe it just isn’t the best place to start. Instead of looking ahead just yet, maybe these are the final hours of looking back. Of taking stock of how 2019 has equipped us to step into a new year, and a new decade, more at home in our own skin, and more resolved to connect who we are with how we live. Every experience, good, bad, ugly, or otherwise has the potential of helping us become more true to who we are and what we care about.

Before beginning another trip around the sun, let’s find time to look back and harvest the gifts of the past in order to sow fruitful seeds for the future.
