A Kind Word

It’s been a long week for almost everyone I know, and our hearts are in need of kindness, gentleness and grace. To that end, I share a small story to close out the week and enter into the weekend.

In 2015 I was on the hunt for a few new clothes, and had wandered into one of my favorite little boutiques. Armed with potential purchases, I stepped into the dressing room, and as I hung up the clothes I noticed the following words at the top of the mirror:

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While I can’t speak for everyone, for many of us the dressing room can be a place of shame and criticism. The lights are too bright, the rooms too small, and a glance in the mirror often elicits harsh words at the image staring back at us.

Every dressing room mirror had those same words, and while I’ve never forgotten them, I often forget to practice them.

In the dressing room, out in the world, or behind the closed doors of our inner thoughts, we often reserve our most unkind words for ourselves.

Let’s not.
