God's Idea

“You are exactly what God had in mind when He made you.”

Gregory Boyle S.J.

It’s Sunday, and God and I decided to stay home from church. It is a glorious day outside, and although I love our church, there are days, like today, that I need to engage with the Holy right where I am.

Every morning I start the day with my morning practice of morning coffee, morning reading, and morning meditation. Except on the days I don’t. On those days, I try to remember all of the other days that I do practice.


It can be so easy to forget what we do, and get lost in judgement about what we don’t. (Just FYI, I never go without my morning coffee.)

My current morning book is Barking To the Choir by Gregory Boyle, founder and Director of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention, rehab and reentry program in the world. My last morning book was his too (Tattoos On The Heart), so I guess I’m kind of crazy about him these days. His work, his wisdom, his wit, and his words. In his work with gang members, he reminds them over and over again that they are exactly who God had in mind. They’ve just forgotten, or never knew it in the first place.

“You are exactly what God had in mind…”

Reminding them of this truth opens the door for them to live into it.

When I first came across those words they nearly jumped off the page. Landing squarely in my heart with the ring of Truth, they’ve continued to echo inside, the words bouncing off the walls of my inner canyons, and returning to my ears again, and again, and again.

“You are exactly what God had in mind...”


It can be so easy to forget who we are, and get lost in judgement about who we think we are.

“You are exactly what God had in mind...”


It can be so easy to forget who we are, and get lost in judgement about who others have told us we are.

“You are exactly what God had in mind...”

We are all exactly what God had in mind, and whether we’ve forgotten it, or never knew it in the first place, let’s help each other remember.

“You are exactly what God had in mind...”

Reminding one another of this truth opens the door for us to live into it.


Oh, and in case you’ve forgotten, or somebody has told you differently…

“You are exactly what God had in mind...”