Molly L. Davis

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Choose Your Own Adventure

As I approach my 70th birthday it can be hard to know how to think about aging. I live in culture that doesn’t appear to value the passing of the years that show up on my face, around my waist, and oh-so-many-other places. In fact, I live in a culture that is decidedly anti-aging. To be anti-anything is to be against it. To oppose it. Let that sink in for a moment. Anti…aging.

Well, this gray-haired girl is here to tell you that is bullshit.

Aging is the natural order of things.

Aging is the lifelong process of growing progressively older.

Aging is the accumulation of experiences that leads to the wisdom that can only be acquired through the passage of time.

Aging is the gradual letting go what doesn’t matter and holding closely that which does.

Aging is the discovery that old dogs can still learn new tricks.

Aging is the chance to get it right in the places we’ve gotten it wrong.

Aging is the invitation to show up and say yes to life.

Aging is the ticking clock that reminds us that there is still time to give ourselves away to love, help, and heal the world within our reach.

Aging is the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure story.

We are not meant to live forever, nor stay forever young. We are here for a time, the time we have here matters, and don’t let anyone try to tell you differently.