Molly L. Davis

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 We learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same. One becomes in some area an athlete of God. ~ Martha Graham

For the past month I’ve been writing about the words that found their way on to my list at the beginning of the year. Each word represents some aspect of who I aspire to be, and of how I intend to show up in the world.

These words? I want to embody these words. I want my life to be a tangible expression of each and every one of them as consistently as is humanly possible. And, it is doubtful that I will ever master each word perfectly, which is but one reason I am grateful that grace was the first word to appear on my list.

Bringing these words to life in the life that is mine is a practice, for if I know anything, it is that what we practice, we become.