Molly L. Davis

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Prime Time

Community is a place where the connections felt in our hearts make themselves known in the bonds between people, and where the tuggings and pullings of those bonds keep opening our hearts. ~ Parker Palmer

Tonight there was a fund raiser in our little town. A prime rib dinner no less, where pounds and pounds of beef were cooked to perfection by one of our own, along with foil wrapped baked potatoes, green salad and homemade desserts. Volunteers sliced and scooped and served and cleared. The money raised will support the senior class, which depending on the year ranges in size from one to three students.

It’s been a long week, and I for one was bone tired, but in a time when there is so much that pulls us apart, it was good to come together to sit around paper covered cafeteria tables with our neighbors, catch up on the goings on in our lives, and remember that come what may, we are all in this life together.